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Maredsous beer, which is brewed in Belgium, is rooted in religion because originally, monks took up the practice within their monasteries. Why, do you ask? Many say they began brewing to become self-sufficient, offer visitors and pilgrims something to drink, as well as to earn a little extra money on the side.

Maredsous Blonde was actually the earliest beer produced by the Maredsous Abbey, so it’s a great one for you to try first. As you pour out a bottle, you’ll notice its cloudy appearance, alongside the hoppy, fruity taste.

Creating cracking brews isn’t all these monks can do, though. It turns out they’re also a dab-hand at a few other things, including cheese and bread making!

The Abbey’s beers are now made in the Duvel Moortgat Brewery, which means that we can easily get our hands on the stuff. Wahey!

What have you got to lose? Order a case of these Benedictine beverages, today.