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Welcome to Beerhunter, your ultimate destination for high-quality and tasty beers. Today, we’re going to explore one of the finest breweries in the UK – Thornbridge Brewery. With over 16 years of brewing excellence, Thornbridge Brewery has gained a solid reputation for crafting some of the best beers in the British Isles. Let’s take a closer look at the history of this incredible brewery, what types of beer they brew, and how they do it.
The history of Thornbridge Brewery
Thornbridge Brewery was founded in 2005 by Jim Harrison and Simon Webster. Both had a passion for brewing and a desire to bring innovation and creativity to the traditional British beer industry. The founders believed brewing should be more than just making the same old beers and wanted to create something unique and special.
From its humble beginnings in a 10-barrel brewery in the Peak District, Thornbridge has now grown into a 30-barrel brewery that produces a wide range of award-winning beers. The company has also opened several pubs, bars, and restaurants across the UK, where beer lovers can enjoy their delicious brews.
Brewing techniques at Thornbridge
Thornbridge is committed to brewing high-quality beer using traditional and modern brewing techniques. They use only the finest ingredients, including locally sourced water, to ensure that their beer is of the highest standard. They have a team of passionate, experienced brewers who experiment with different ingredients and techniques to create new and exciting flavours.
Popular beers by Thornbridge
Thornbridge produces various beers, including traditional British ales, lagers, IPAs, and stouts. Some of their most popular beers include the award-winning Jaipur IPA, the refreshing Lukas Helles Lager, and the rich and full-bodied Cocoa Wonderland Chocolate Porter.
Their ales are brewed using traditional English techniques, while their lagers are brewed using modern German methods. They also use various hops and malts to add depth and complexity to their beers. Thornbridge is known for its attention to detail, which can be tasted in every sip of its delicious brews.
In conclusion, Thornbridge Brewery is a true British beer gem. With over 16 years of experience and a team of passionate and talented brewers, they have earned a solid reputation for producing high-quality, delicious beers. They are committed to using only the finest ingredients and brewing techniques. Their dedication is reflected in every beer they produce. So if you’re looking for a top-quality British beer, look no further than Thornbridge Brewery. Try their beers today and experience the taste of excellence.